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Some stuff bout me:

Name: Ada

Gender: Gurl

Age: 13

Grade: 8

D.O.B.: December 27th

School: SBS jh

Ethnic: 100% chinese


Song playing: Forever Friends by Cookies

Song playing in gb: Heaven by DJ Sammy


May 15/03
Elvis' bithday today!! happy bithday!! *claps*

May 14/03
didn't really do anything...

May 13/03
went roller blading for ee today..yeah..nothing else important...boring days...

May 12/03
um..yes..nothing really happened today...yep yep...

May 11/03
im super tired today..i was raking outside in the afternoon.....soooooooooo tired now....

May 10/03
im really really really really tired today..duno why..but yeah...

May 9/03
nothin really happened today either..but had a fun social period..hehe cant believe he's in grade 10,rite petrina?? haha

May 8/03
nothin happened today...such a boring day..tired day...

May 7/03
nothing really happened today at rehersal..roberts' bro came in and he's so cute,can't believe he's 10..=P

May 6/03
nothing really happened today..had a test in badn and a retest in la...have hlat tomorrow!!ahh!!! its only reading though..but yeah...

May 5/03
went rockclimbing was...kinda fun i guess...

May 4/03
couldnt get on eo...had a confusing game..i call it..w/ angie ali and helen..yep yep,hehe fun fun

May 3/03
nothing of those boring saturdays..

May 2/03
Kevins' birthday today *claps* happy birthday kev!!!

May 1/03
Sandis' birthday today *claps* happy birthday!!!

April 30/03
omg..had a preformance at JP high school..i was so hypered..i was like walking around that school singing christmas songs and birthday songs,so funny.but omg..our school band suck..ppl were like getting lost and played wrong notes and stuff..the worst band in that embarassing =( and stinson gave us a speech right after the preformance too..what a great experience..worst preformace i ever had in my entire life...but there are some really good parts...=P

April 29/03
nothing happened..such a boring day..omg..i have to wear a stupid tie tomorrow!! ahhh!!! ooo and...HLAT tomorrow!!! uh oh..gona fail..=P

April 28/03
not too much happened...had 3 tests brain is gona explode soon...

April 27/03
nothing really happened today either,added best poems ever on here and changed gb song.

April 26/03
nothing really happened today..boring saturday..yep yep

April 25/03
fun fun day,went archery at sherwood park,wee yep yep,hehe

April 24/03
internet broken..

April 23/03
first day of journal..yep yep..and..i talked to "v" today!!!=D

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Best poems ever

The air was crisp and damp with a chill of autumn air,
The soil felt cool beneath my feet.
The gentle breeze blew upon my face,
And I watched the sun slowly rise as
Nature slowly awoken from its sleep.
I watched the colorful sky turn from a bright red to a pinkish yellow.
I listened to the peaceful sounds of birds and rustling leaves.
But as the day wore on,
I grew weary and I fell asleep.
I awoke to find the howling wind was blowing with great might.
The sky was utterly gloomy and dark with unwholesome light.
As time passed by,
Tiny crystal-like droplets began to fall through the sky.
It was as cold as it could be.

Faint sounds of dripping filled my ears,
Never seeming to end,
Drip, drip, drip it went.
And as I watched the once beautiful sky
Turn from a light blue to a blackish dye.
Sorrowful teardrops from the sky poured
With grief upon the world of Mortal Lives
Thunder was heard from above
Mortal actions, angry gods
Could it be just playing taunts?
But the tears continued to drop

The air felt cool with a dampness in the air,
The sky had stopped crying,
The thunder had stopped rumbling.
Dripping from the sky has stopped.
The world was once again calm and tranquil
Full of peaceful, yet comforting sounds.
The ever-occurring storm had once again subsided,
And Nature was preparing for its great sleep
For it was dusk
And the sun casted a glow of magnificence upon
The horizon where sky and earth meets

The wind was calm and once again blew with a gentle breeze.
The sound of rustling leaves and crickets sang in the night.
The moon, now high in the sky,
emitted a moonlit glow both eerie and bright.
The air once again felt crisp and cool,
It was another day of Autumn’s dew.

By Wei

The train is coming
The train is coming
woo woo
waa waa
wee wee
too too

The train is coming
The train is coming
too too
waa waa
wee wee
woo woo

By Ada

i thought u might have stayed
if id had the guts
i would have pushed my luck
but then i might have turned away
how do i explain?
i know its sounds insane
but then ive been through this b4
in just a matter of time
u could change ur mind
u could turn and walk right through that door!

By Sandi

Ada was sitting on mat
Petting her cat
When Elvis hit her with a bat
So Ada screamed SCAT!

By Ali

Ada was bawling
Elvis asked what's chilling
Ada said sandi had been drinkin
and had fallen over the railing

By Ali

Sandi had to wake up five in the morning,
It was real boring.
She waited for the guests,
and swatted the pests.
Once the party started,
she got real parted.
She started to drink,
as her face start to pink.
She danced,
she pranced.
Through the hours,
through the night.

By Ali

Yesterday night,
there was a fine knight.
Checkin sandi out

By Ali

bullets are ripping through my chest....
i wish i had a bullet proof vest!

By the great Homun,an excerpt from "homun's great poetry book"

She sells bullet shells by the sea shore

By the great Homun,an excerpt from "homun's great poetry book"

i'm happy, i'm feeling glad
i've got sunshine in a bag
i'm useless but not for long
the future is comming on

By the great Homun,an excerpt from "homun's great poetry book"


there once was a boy with no friends,
kiddy parks and playgrounds he'd attend.
he tried to act cool,
but acted a fool;
he's very gay, the end!

By the great Homun,an excerpt from "homun's great poetry book"

Every person can be feeling blue,
Sad, unhappy, and depressed.
But why be blue when you can be green,
Feeling sick, and when you need some Listerine!
Other days you might feel red,
Angry, irritated, and you climb on peoples’ heads!
No matter how great these colors are,
I still prefer being yellow,
Happy, giving, and content.
Different colors describe different people,
But doesn’t these colors describe me totally?

By Wei

Life is like a burning candle,
Its flame flickers lively in the dark.
Standing bold and tall, never afraid,
It emits a strong, bright light.
And as the flame continues to burn, the wax melts,
Shortening the candle as each second goes by.
Finally, the candle is used to its fullest
And it is no longer tall and bold,
But short and insecure.
Its light is not as bright as before,
Yet it grows dimmer, weaker,
Until finally, the flame dies out.

By Wei


The season of spring
Blossoming everywhere with delicate flowers
As the snow slowly melted
Under the morning sun

Its pedals bold,
It contrasted the bluish sky
As it grew
Taller and taller as time passed by.
Its reddish pigment
Brilliantly bright,
Stands out under the morning light.

But as it awakened,
Its thorns grew large.
Prickling those
Who picks it.

And as the seasons passed willingly by,
The days grow colder,
Lifeless to nature.
Once again the rose would wilt
No longer bold and gallant under the morning light

And finally,
Winter has come
Frost and snow cover the
Once bold and contrasting pedals of red
Turning it into a lifeless brown
The life of the rose
Finally ends

By Wei

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Shoutz:~*Ali*~*Alyssa*~*Amir*~*Amy*~*Angie*~*Anthony*~*Becca*~*Ben*~*Brad M.*~*Brad Q.*~*Brad R.*~*Brad V.*~*Brett M.*~*Brett P.*~*Cami*~*Carolyn*~*Chanelle*~*Chase*~*Daniel*~*Dennis*~*Dyllan*~*Eddison*~*Edith*~*Ehren*~*Elvis*~*Eric*~*Eva*~*Heather*~*Helen*~*Homun*~*Jason*~*Jeanny*~*Jess*~*Joe*~*Jordanne*~*Justin*~*Justina*~*Kevin*~*Lia*~*Louis*~*Mark*~*May*~*Mitch*~*Nicole*~*Nina*~*Noshina*~*Nova*~*Petrina*~*Sandi*~*Sara*~*Sarah*~*Scott*~*Steve*~*Tanner*~*Triston*~*Wei*~*Woody*~*Zyra* tell me if i missed ya!!! ~peace on earth~!

Special shoutz:

*~Ali~*-remember that time when we went to angies'? that guy in the elevator? lol!!

*~Angie~* how's "q"? as in "queenie" eh,lol fack your star =P

*~Cami~*-Storch rocks eh,hehe muffins!!! heh -_- "my head is full of cheese" "do you find life tiresome? no" lol

*~Ehren~*-okie,there finally,gotcha a special shout,yeah..i duno what to put on here...oh wellz..

*~Helen~*-thx for the help on this page,mm hmm,mm hm,rite..uh huh,heh

*~Jason~*-edith wont be able to run away forever,i'll get him,you watch,one day when you wake up,he's gona be gone,mwahhahaha =P

*~Jess~*-heh,did you make the longest sweetart wrapper necklace yet? hey,ate any dead fish lately? =P teigan spiers =P hehe

*~Joe~*-i miss you 2 2,heh,train!!! btw,im gona win the longest tag contest,you wait and see =P

*~Lia~*-CHEESE!! lol ^_^

*~Nova~*-hey new teacher,you have a disturbing bg too =P

*~Petrina~*-thx for ya help for this page ada bobada plz!!! fo-effa fenz!!! lol if you fail DE TEN SON,if you dont write anythng down SUS PEN SON,if you cheat DE TEN SON and SUS PEN SON!!! LOL!!mwahahahaha lol ^_^ can't believe he's in grade 10!!! LOL!!!HAHA IM SO STUPID!!=p

*~Sarah~*-hey,so how's life? good? that's bad.. heh =P

*~Wei~*-thx for help on page,lol sry shorten that a bit,too lazy to type... well..once again..disturbing bg you have there,change it before i kill you!! lol jk well,peach on earth =P

*~Zyra~*-haha,what a good"wish" lol ^_^