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Saturday, 1 July 2006
cOld + depressinq = TrUth
Mood:  blue
Topic: [Cal|in al| anq3lz]

.:.Unfortunately... something really upsetting happened. I went last night with my best friend and her boyfriend to the movies @ dolphin mall. Everything is fine expect that fact that my "boyfriend" is a jealous asshole and he doesnt like me going out with my friends. What the fu**?! w.e anyways I end up going home like around 1 am. And ranDii calls me bitching me out because I supposbly "lied" to hem. I was filled with so much anger, i started to cry cuz I felt like if its my fault. my dad comes in a picks the phone up and said dont call here. he kept calling. My family is extremely upset they dont like hem anymore cuz of the way he treats. He yells at me like if iAM HES BITCH. oMG i know what your thinking dump hem! i cant i need some sort of guide or angel! I'm always with stupid guys. well 2daii my mom told my grandmother and ahe told me NO dont let hem mistreat you, hes not even your husband. I also went with my grandma 2 da salon, and all the women there are sweet and they told me damn your always worth more then those skanky rude boys. Well i've been depressed all day wondering about what I should do to feel better. STR8 Theropy wit my best friend Karen. lol w0w.. N*E wayz Im hopin 2 escape from this misery to another place and relax for a while. Better luck for me next time.:. xOx Deathh..

Posted by crazy/anqelbabi at 12:01 AM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 1 July 2006 4:19 PM PDT
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