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A Proposed History of the School

In The Beginning…

    As the story goes, about a decade ago, at the height of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle” craze, a professor and his protegé, Chad Tessier, decided to create a new strain of students.  This new breed of over-achieveing, super students was created to serve several purposes: (1) to raise the overall integrity of the univeristy; (2) to improve the work of current students who – when confronted with such competition – inevitably worked more; and (3) to carry out the will of university officials, specifically by fighting crime. 

    Following the examples of the TMNT, the two exposed a few rabbits (for turtles are rare here in Potsdam) to high concentrations of beta and gamma irradiation.  These mutant bunnies were allowed to fully develop into human-like organisms on the forbidden CAMP 4 floor.  Soon, having reached the desired form, these mutants proliferated.  Initially, they served the purposes for which they had been created; a new school had been created for them, to legitimize the operation, called cleverly “The Clarkson School.”

    However, it eventually became evident that the plan had worked too well.  The mutant students worked extremely well and were excessive in both diligence and precosity.  Their overbearing success overwhelmed current students, forcing them to just give up.  The person left in charge of the new breed of students – Chad Tessier, aka Splinter (left) – was no longer able to control his creations. 

    To this day, they continue to proliferate and dominate the school.  The lack of restriction allows them to slowly – but definitely – take over the university.  In a sense, Clarkson is a breeding ground from which these mutants spring forth into the world and which they, the “Schoolies,” use at their own personal disposal.

    Or so goes the rumor…


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