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This is my life story. I’ll try to keep it simple (but you know how I can get with my stories....) just want to give some info about me. I’ was born in Tampa Florida. My parents now, adopted me when I was 3 days old. When I was 5 my parents adopted another child, Ryan, who is my brother. When I was 7 our house burned down, so we moved to Oklahoma where my dads family lives. I lived with my grandparents for 6 months then we bought a house way out in the middle of no where. And still to this day, that is where I call home. In a small town called Tecumseh. We lived there for almost 7 years. I made many friends, had many boyfriends, and made a lot of memories in those 7 years. We went to a church in Shawnee, and made two of my life long best friends, Tavi, and Nancy. Also met some of the people that have changed my life, Sherry G. Roary M. And many other great teachers and friends. I went to a small country school, it wasn’t a one room school room, but might as well have been. Later on I home schooled. We decided to move to Dallas, where mom could earn more money as a nurse. I started off home schooling then decided to go to public school. That was a low time in my life, not only spiritually, but in every other which way too. We only lived in the apartments for 6 months, then my parents knew we had to move. We moved to Garland Texas and I started going to Metro Church. I met a lot of good people there. They were definently a church the lord had blessed. I started going to Garland Christian Academy where I met the love and joy of my life, and no I don’t mean Marcus. Me and Jon have been thru a lot in the past year and half. But I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. I love him soo much and I don’t know what I would ever do without him. I went to GCA for one year and would go back in a heartbeat if the option was given to me. I have a lot of friends from there. But even though I’ve had my good times and bad times in life nothing has impacted and changed my life like the adventure I’m on right now. I’m writing you from Africa, yeah the country that is half way around the world. Me and my family are missionary’s. We live on a ship called the M/V Anastasis. It all started in September when my parents went to a CDTS in Garden Valley TX. It was 2 months of training/classes and 1 month of outreach. For outreach we went to Nicaragua. It was the most humbling experience you could ever imagine. In that time I did drama, went to a refugee camp, a prison, taught English, worked around the base and other ministries. Here are some pictures from our outreach.**** In January, one month after we returned we get a phone call from the Anastasis asking how soon can we be there. We were in a panic trying to raise funds, but needless to say God always provides. On March 10 we left from Dallas and flew to Lome Togo. Where we are currently stationed now. Since I’ve been here, I’ve run the bookstore, worked in the snack bar, watched a surgery, and in the months to come I will work in the coffee bar, take piano lessons, be in the ship drama team, go to the YWAM base in the mountains, go to a fishing village, and run the sterilizer for the dental team. This is all part of a ministry called Mercy Ships. Mercy Ships currently has 3 ships (2 sailing) that go to the poorest of countries and provide free medical care/surgeries for the needy, and share the gospel while doing it. Since we bring medical care into the poor countries they can not stop us from sharing the gospel. They must sign a treaty before we enter the country that says we have free reign to preach what we like. My mother is a nurse in the ward, and my dad runs the stores on board. Every service/job on here is volunteer job. Since being here, I have had a new outlook on life. Its given me a reason to live for what I believe and for what I know to be true. Its opened my eyes to the hurting world outside of our own homes. I feel like for the first time I’m doing what I should be and this is where God wants me. I am happy with my life, I love it here and wouldn’t trade going back for anything. I’ve learned the meaning of life, the meaning that most people in America will never come to understand because they are to busy to enjoy the small things in life such as the joy of a smiling little girl who knows that she will not go to bed hungry tonight because of what we have brought to her family and community. I’ve seen the love of God displayed in many peoples lives here on board, whether it be the day workers, the crew, or the patients. Next year we go to Sierra Leone. It is ranked the poorest country in the world. But yet it is full of diamonds. It just goes to show where greed will take you. We will be there for 8 months. This summer we go to Europe for dry dock. It will be a lot of fun. We are touring Europe for PR (Public Relation) tours. My 17 b-day will be in Spain! Yeah! Since being on here I’ve realized that I want to be a nurse. I would love to be a doctor but the stress is far to great for me, my heart goes out to all the doctors. I also thought about being a surgeon. Who knows? Its wherever God leads me.... I do know that I want to be back here after I get out of Med school. This is my calling. And this is what I want my life to be.......