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Hey LO.OK its a HAM

For your comic relief...Run, don't walk, from the SUPER BOOTY.....

I feel obligated to tell you about this picture. I put a pillow in my shirt in an attempt to make my butt look like a big super booty, but instead I just look like a turtle. Am I not turtley enough for the Turtle club? Turtle Turtle- =O}

You best listen to what this picture be saying because my flying monkeys will stop wrestling banana trees to hurt you!

Hey kids, i'm Bullwinkle!!! -enough said-

But I wanna take your picture, so shutup and take the pain of camera flash!

FREAK its whats normal in my imaginary world, just ask Cheddar Bob!

The amazing face of the confused Carri it was found on her since birth and travels around with her even today.

I! So...ouch...rock on!

-Dramatic gasp- This picture includes the dealer with the infamous stolen from father baseball hat which was stolen back by the father who has 3 of the same hat.

A rareity, the confused baby look, the dealer, and the stolen from father baseball hat in one pocket size picture which is not sold in stores and does not include batteries.

Another pic of the stolen from father baseball hat and the dealer.

Oh how wonderful a recent pic of me looking quite fancy if I do say so myself!

You wish you had this hat its awesome and its gonzo and its mine! mine mine mine mine -hides it-

My eye is fancy in this graphic I made

My awesome other hat which was given to me by my friend Old man Kurt!

An astoundingly new pic of me looking mighty fancy as usual.

ELF HAIRDO! run away!!!!!

Eh its an okay pic

I feel a little shoved out of this picture!

OoOoO angry-ness

Anyone care for a mid day snooze?

Tough girl, watch out I got brass knuckles and no coordination

This is called yay cutness. What do you call it?

A graphic I made

Another graphic I made
Another graphic I made
again this is me
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