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Welcome to the Site! We understand that school is starting up again so don't worry about being away for a while. If your interested in getting TS go to The TS server is listed in the guild announcement.

Mortius and I have had the idea for a while on a group activity where most of the guild (or atleast part of it) can do something together that would be fun and helpful with experience. If you have any ideas please tell us. Also any ideas on the website would be great - Xero


    8/30/06 - Well I haven't been posting most of the Updates but i have been updating lately, I made a new message board and this poll for scrimmaging. Mostly want you to post your time zone on the scrimmage board but i also want to see votes on what's the best day. Umn.... Oh I might be getting a public photo album so we can post pictures on this. Just for what ever. I think it will be fun because i want to see those pics Sig took of us.. Mort Sig an I. Ok g2g now Remind me if i forgot anything -Xero

    8/12/06 - Ok good news, I have the message board worked out, sad thing is you can't make your own topic, but you can figure it all out on the message boards page. I'm tired now but hopefully someone atleast visits this page >_> - Xero

    8/11/06 - That last forum we had was really pissing my off because i couldn't post on it, so i made us a message board, still haven't worked out all the kinks in it but so far it works.
    Also I fixed some of the navigation links that didn't work - Xero

    7/20/06 - The roster and announcements pages have been updated and a few other things have been tweeked with.

    7/12/06 - Now the adds don't cut off the navigation, it is still a little mixed up, but it's not as bad as it was.


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