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I love pictures!


(L)Me and Chelley at E-walk

(R)Aaron, me and Chelley!

(L)Dani, Chelley, me, and Aaron at E-walk

(R)The whole group actually doing the walk (Aaron, me, Dani, Orrin, Chelley, and John)

(L)John Schulze is my hero

(R)Me and Zach at E-walk!

(L)Me and Lizzie after E-walk

(R)High school friends, Heidi and Dana!

(L)Me and Kayla being cute as usual

(R)Yet another picture of us!

This is me totally kicking ass at the Texans game!

This is my mom doing the same thing at the Texans game!

(L)Patrick and I both enjoy taking pictures of ourselves

(R)Another picture taken by us!

(L)Patrick and me at Clementine's after his graduation

(R)Doesn't he look adorable in his shirt and HOT tie??

(L)Do I look sad in this picture??

(R)Psycho Melanie finally comes out!

(L)Me and my big sis, Jennifer

(R)Me and my mom, Lindsey

(L)Another picture of me and Lindsey

(R)Me and Patrick, isn't he adorable??

(L)Another one of me and Patrick

(R)Shane, me and Patrick... Aren't they super hot??

(L)Aww... Patrick proposed to me at Letter Romp

(R)After the proposal

Doesn't Lindsey look amazing??

Awww... a lovely family picture!

(L)Todd, John, me, and Aaron at the Maroon and White game, spring 2003

(R)Me and Meredith picking up some hot yell leaders at the game

(L)Kayla the freak

(R)Me and Kayla!

(L)Me and Juan at a game

(R)Me and Reuben after his review

Reveille, yell leaders, and Chelley... that was an awesome day!

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