Christy's Crazy, Totally Random Stuff

The purpose of this page is to save everyone's poor, overloaded email accounts and allow them to view things without me having to email them stuff... Yes, it's laziness at it's best, but then, I'm all about making my crazy life a bit simpler. And Yes, I'm certifiably crazy (I'm the one with both hands on the bull's balls), so it's all good... hehehe

Hey!! Check out my new Links -- Pics from my recent trip to the mountains!

Also, I have a new pic of my kitties!!!

And check out This really freaky pic I snapped one morning!!

Last Updated 8/5/05

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Things to checkout

*new*Pics from my trip to the mountains
My Little Demons (aka - my cats)
What I'm...
One really freaky photo!
My Opinions on the War in Iraq
My DVD Collection
A Note!
Mardi Gras Pics
Favorite Art