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Hi! Welcome to MECA, a society of very weird people. Pretty much everyone can join, but there are some things that are UNACCEPTABLE if you want to join. You cannot be:
- a body of water
- Kirea Green
- Justice
- Congressman
- Government Office
- Socialist
- Communist
- Other things I'm much to lazy to list right now.

My favorite TV shows (currently) are Sledge Hammer, House, Monk and Spongebob. If you are in my spansih class, go here to see our vocab. Some quotes from my favorite TV shows:
"Trust me, I know what I'm doing."
"I'm ready!"
"It would haunt me."
"Nobody's going to be mad, we just want to know who tried to kill the kid."
Notice how I did not list the shows besides the quotes. If you know which show the quote is from, or even who said it, email me at Your submission should be set up like this:
Simple enough? Well, if you answer with the correct show, you will get 2 narpoints, if you answer both the show and speaker correctly, you will get 4 nar points.
What are narpoints?
Narpoints are points, that will come in handy later. You can buy images with them and other VIRTUAL stuff. Won't that be cool? I don't have it set up quite now, but later, you will go to a page with pictures of stuff you can buy. You will click on the picture you want to buy, the prices will be listed under each picture. It will bring you to the "check-out" page, if you will, where you will fill out an application for the graphic or other thing. Cool, eh?
Might I list the famous people of my online community?

1. Apaull O. Jize
2. Kit E. Cat
3. Whiche E. Broo
4. Starr E. Nite
5. Happ E. Daze
6. Ray D. Aishunne

Back to my favorite TV shows...
House is on FOX a lot at night, I'm not quite sure when, but it is also on USA Friday nights at 11:00. Monk is only on USA, but it is on right before House. (convinient, eh?) Spongebob is on Nickelodeon (spelling?) weekdays at 8:00am and 5:00pm and weekends at 9:00am and some other time I can't remember. Sledge Hammer isn't on TV anymore, but you can buy the DVDs. Out of these shows, House is probably my favorite. It is so funny! On an episode I watched recently, it was his birthday and one of the other doctors tells him happy birthday and he's just like why am I supposed to celebrate the earth going around the sun another time? I really didn't think it was going to make it, but it was the little planet that could. It was something along those lines, I'm not good at remembering, it was a lot funnier when he said it.