Puppy Contract........
Sales Agreement............
Made this ___day of ____________2000................
Darla T Connolly.................. site 202 Box 84............. Onoway , Alberta ...................
AND:........... ____buyer________
The seller hereby agrees to sell and tranfer title , to the buyer , the dog described as follows......
Registered Name:_______________________________ Born :___________________
Dan :_______________________________________Ckc#_______________________
under the following conditions;.............

The breeders warrant that this pup is in excellent health and do not now or ever make any further warranties as to the potential size or weight of said dog.................
The buyer agrees to take this pup to a vet of his/her choice within 7 days from date of purchase (receiving) If this pup is found to be ill or unfit in any way the seller will take back puppy and refund any monies already paid , less deposit, or give another suitable pup................
The seller further guarantees this dog against any inhereited or genetic disorder that manifests itself within one year from date of purchase.......... The seller guaratees this dog against hip dysplasia (second degree or worse) until 2 years of age. Should hip dysplasia be found the buyer may keep the puppy (with proof of Spay/Neuter) and recieve half the money back or another suitable pup will be given when available................
CARE OF THE DOG:....................
The buyer agrees that this dog will be given proper love and attention at all times and be treated as a household pet.This dog will never be chained ,tethered or tied, and will NOT be trained as an atatack/guard dog. To do so would be disastrous to the animal. The buyer also agrees that this dog will never be given anything that would stimulate artificial growth, steroids, etc................
This dog or bitch will not be bred until a championship is attained and all necessary testing and medical history on both dogs is up to date.(Females 24 months , Males 20 months) Dogs that are not of show quality will be spayed or nuetered. This dog or bitch WILL NEVER be bred to anything other than a purebred registered Mastiff. Any infraction in this clause will result in a $10,000.00 fine and reposession of the dog............
In the event that the buyer can no longer care for the dog,or wishes to sell, title shall not be transferred to any person or organization other than the seller wether by gift,sale loan or other wise, except in the following manner:....................
a) The dog will first be offered to the breeder under the same conditions as to the third party...........
b)Should the offer not be accepted by the breeder, then the buyer and the third party will enter into this same written agreement , with the third party becoming the buyer,except the purchase price will be that agreed upon by the two parties. One signed contract will be sent to breeder............
c)Under no circumstances will this dog ever be given to the pound, humane society,auction or any other such organization. Remember if you have a problem the breeder is always available................
In the event that an action has to be brought forth to enforce this contract, the seller has full right to reposess dog in question and collect reasonable legal fees and costs in connection with such an act from the buyer................
KENNEL NAME;.................
The sellers name of Xandria Lane must appear on the dogs registration papers as part of the dogs name................
. Conditions of Sale:...................
Purchase Price:__________________
Deposit: __________________
It is understood that the conditions in this contract are set forth for the welfare and protection of the dog in question, both parties involved and the mastiff breed in general...................
. Signed at _________________this ______day of ______________2000....................
Seller :_____________________________ Buyer:___________________________....

Xandria Layne Mastiff's 2000.

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