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Thanks for Logging on, I am 21 year old guy from INDIA. Well hope this site will help ya know more bout me. I am a very simple guy who gives HUMOUR a great deal of importance in life. I am suffering from NET FEVER from the end of 1999(DEC) and i am still a serious patiant... but i am loving this fever... :-). I started chatting in Talkcity channel #friends, guys and gals were really cool there there except one or two. The days passed there were awesome. The room is dead rite now... most of them have moved to some other places but i m in contact with them... with either mails or we meet in MSN or YAhoo messeger.I am a Sports MANIAC; Love all outdoor games Lawn Tennis, Cricket, Basket Ball, Soccer etc. You can call me a MUSIC freak too... LOL!!! i hear both kinda music HARD core ROCK and SOFT depending on my MOOD. I am not a moody person though... but cant stand a noisy person.

This page is dedicated to all my friends in real and in virtual world.


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