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Clan [EMR]
Site MapMembersEMR CreedEMR HistoryInformationMember Account



Welcome to Clan EMR...

   "Eat My Rocket". Unlike many other clans, we believe that Quake is a game for entertainment purposes and should be treated as such. It is a means by which we can come together as friends and as teammates to enjoy some fun competition. We take pride in good sportsmanship, clean frags and playing with class. It is here that we strongly adhere to that old saying, "It's not the quantity of frags that counts, but the quality."

   Clan EMR was officially founded back in 1999 by two friends that go by the names of, "TheJerk" and "DukeQuake2". Currently, EMR has thirty one proud members amongst its ranks. As so many clans come and go, EMR has stood the test of time.

If you think you may have what it takes to be EMR material, read our clan creed and submit an applacation.

Who knows, maybe you too can be one of the chosen few known as,

Clan EMR!


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 Copyright © 1999 - 2003 Clan [EMR]  "Eat My Rocket"  All Rights Reserved