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Popular Issues
  • What to do with Toronto's Garbage?
  • What do you think about other countries dumping toxic waste in Canada?
  • Is the World on Crash course with low resources and unusable resources in the waste people produce?
  • What is the answer to the waste disposal problem in our world, that will affect Canadians?
New Issues
  • Gas Questions? Increase oil production will it just cause more air pollution? What is the true problem here? Is it just a trick to force oil production up?
  • Do the rich get richer and healthier while the poor get poorer and sicker, because of world banks are we fuel an economy that pollutes area's of the world based on money positions?

Opinions Received

  • December 19, 2001
    Garbage from Canada

    Mary Wykes

    As a resident of Michigan for 55 years I would like to know exactly what kind of garbage you are sending us and why when Canada is a vast as it is do you feel it necessary to dump your garbage in Michigan or anywhere else in the United States. This state is surrounded by fresh water-you know that as well as we do so why do you want to dump on us. Yes, I realize you are paying for this service but don't you feel just a little guilty for doing this to someone else. Why aren't you taking care of your own problems on your own land instead of sending them to us. In today's paper it states that hazardous materials are crossing the Ambassador Bridge--What do you plan to do to stop this from happening?

    Thanks for your opinion.

  • July 30, 2001


    Smoking should be banned from all public places. It is a disgusting habit that is disgraceful. How could we allow others to pollute our bodies with known to cause cancer chemicals. We allow them to make us smell of smoke, waste laundry detergent, sprays, and other chemicals to eliminate the smell of smoke. Chemicals and more chemicals. Can we not stop hurting ourselfs, our bodies, our children (who have little voice power), killing others because we have a habit Canada? Think about it. Mean While Take Care of Your Body and Yourself as a human with Rights to Saving our health and indirectly our lives. THINK ABOUT YOURSELF - YOU ARE IMPORTANT AND SO IS YOUR HEALTH AND WELL BEING AND SO IS THE EARTH WE LIVE ON. PEACE:]

    Thanks for your opinion.

  • Pollution-Low Resources


    The pollution problem in our world is one of the causes of the way people in Canada and other well off countries live. We comsume too much and put back nothing into the environment we live in. Our world already cannot produce enough food for the world pop(6 billion). Things that bother me is the car emitions, and unrecyclable garbage. The only answer to this problem is to change the way everyone lives(no more fancy packaging, or mass production of things), and more awareness in the world. Capitalism is great for peace in the world but the whole world living not to help each other but only to make money, may just be the main problem.

    Thanks for your opinion.


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