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Web Directories

  • ChronicIllnet  - abstracts on groundbreaking research, research "bulletin boards," events calendars, guest lectures, news articles and an "In the Community" section.
  • Combined Health Information Database, The  - provides titles, abstracts, and citations for health information and health education resources.
  • Healthfinder  - provides consumers with easy access to online, accurate health information.
  • Dana BrainWeb - gives recommendations from the Dana Alliance for Brain Initiatives for sites with validated current information useful for the lay person.
  • Diseases, Disorders, and Related Topics
  • - resources on diseases, disorders, syndromes, and chronic illness. Includes current medical news, books, chat, articles, and message boards.
  • Healthy Lives - a disease-specific source of information provided by Glaxo Wellcome for both patients and health care professionals.
  • International Classification of Diseases (ICD-9) - tabular list of diseases and conditions.
  • - source of information and services dedicated to patients and their relatives. Includes information on a variety of diseases and conditions.
  • Medinex - disease search engine.
  • Wonderful World of Diseases - catalog of links and information on diseases and human conditions.