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Check out the new Virtual Pumpkin Patch

Carve a Pumpkin Online

Then Print it, Send it, Make it MOVE!!!

Click Link Above


Christians Can Celebrate Halloween, too!!

Click the pumpkin above!!!

Clever Crafts From

Black Cat Window Watcher

Paper-Strip Pumpkin

Ghostly Gravestone

Creepy Spider Web Doorway

Witchy Windows

Become a Different Kind of Animal

Black Bat Silhouette

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Oh, why didn't I start home earlier??
Now it is dark & spooky,
And the old house is in front of me,
A hinge breaks, a shutter falls,
Why did that have to happen now??
A little drip, and another,
Then another coming from some gutter,
A leaf falls right in front of me,
An owl hoots,
I look back, then I hear a meow,
I turn and run,
Don't look back
The warmth and glow of home,
Makes me feel warm inside..

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Raven Says Please Be Careful When You Trick Or Treat

ALWAYS Stay With Your Parents and CHECK The Candy Prior To Eating Any !

Raven and her son have been awarded this

Special Halloween Safety Award

for printing out and signing a Halloween Safety Contract located at

" No Place Like Home For The Holidays".

Thanks Jeanne!

Want a special Safe Halloween Certificate and Safety Award, too?
Click the pumpkin award above.

~ Scary Ghost Jokes ~

Why did the ghosts put a fence around the cemetery??
People were dying to get in!
What patriotic song do ghosts like best??
"America the BOO-tiful!!!"
What kind of music do ghosts write??
Sheet Music!!
What did one ghost say to the other ghost??
Do you believe in people??
What does a little ghost call his Mother & Father??
His Trans-parents!!
What did the Mother ghost tell her little ghosts??
Don't speak until you are spooken to!!
What do ghosts do to amuse themselves??
They tell "people stories!!"

Thirsty For A Soda????

Give Me Something Good To Eat!!!!

CANDY, Anyone??

Raven's Jack_O_Corn !!

Raven IS Proud To Offer This Link (Click The Flickering Pumpkin Below)
To "Billy Bear's Halloween"
~ A Fun Place Full Of Games, Crafts, Stories, Mazes, Paper Fun, and Even A Way To Adopt Your Own Candy Corn Creature! Enjoy!!!

Another Wonderful Halloween Resource ~ For Babies, Toddlers, Older Children,and Parents Alike ~ Click Below

Spider's silk,

Lizard's tail,

Snail's foot,

Bat's toes,

Eye of Newt,

Tongue of Frog......

OPPS !!!!!


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    2 cups of pumpkin seeds
    1 tsp Worcestershire Sauce
    3 Tbs butter/margarine
    1 tbs salt
    Cooking tools baking sheet, medium-sized bowls, colander,small cooking pot & paper towels.Preheat oven to 225 degreesBoil seeds in salted water for 10 minutes. dry seeds on a paper towel. Melt butter or margarine.

    To roast seeds, combine the Worcestershire sause, melted butter, and salt in a medium bowl. Add seeds. Stir until seeds are coated with mixture. Spread on a baking sheet. Bake 1 or 2 hours. Stir occasionally and watch for burning!! seeds should be crisp. Makes 2 cups.

Grown-ups and Kids ~ Please visit both



DID YOU KNOW....Halloween is a national holiday in only one country-Ireland-where the event began as Samhain, an ancient Celtic harvest festival.

Happy Hauntings! ^^^(;;)^^^

Trick or Treat Midi is "Casper"