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2002 Christmas Ornament Exchange

The Ornament exchange has now closed for this year. We will begin again in the spring, so keep checking with the website. Welcome to the 2002 Christmas Ornament Exchange. My name is Scott Hoover and I am again the host for the exchange this year. Let me explain how the exchange will work so that everyone will have a good time and get to enjoy it.

This year we are going to try something new. Because each year we have members sign up and then don't fulfill their obligation, we are going to cut down the time to mail your ornaments. This year your ornaments will be due out in six weeks. This will begin with the date that I email your group that you are now in a group. By reducing the time frame, hopefully everyone will remember. Your coordinator will work with the group to remind everyone who has mailed their ornaments. As before,you will be placed in a group of ten other members. Each group will have one coordinator who will email you when the group is filled. Then you must handmake one ornament for each of the other members in your group. Your coordinator will send you the e-mail addresses as well as the mailing addresses of everyone in the group.

The only cost for the exchange is the cost of the ornaments that you make and the postage for mailing them. In years past we have had people from other countries who have signed up and it really has been a great deal of fun. You are allowed to use any craft medium that you like but it does need to be handmade by you.

We had a great turnout last year and really enjoyed getting ornaments from around the country. My wife, Vickie and I were in several groups and had our tree the envy of everyone who saw it. It was loaded with over 60 handmade ornaments.

This is a picture of a few of the ornaments that adorned our tree in 1999. I wish we could show off all of them. Neat huh?

In order to sign up we need your first and last name, your mailing address, and your email address. You can send this information by emailing me at the address below. Also if you are interested in being a coordinator for a group please let me know. This is not a difficult task but a very needed one. Most of all, we want everyone to have a great time.

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