The name sounds like it contradicts itself, well maybe it does, or MAYBE your school told you it does. HAHAHHA.... anyways, this is an economic system not a political system. I will simply assume its representative/parliamentary democratic, because that's the best we've got so far. Anyways...


They will make profit as usual in usual, free market practices, within the law, and within reason and good non-scrupulous tactics (as regulated by the government, it's lasseiz faire when its good but not when its bad, like when a monopoly forms). However, all the profit it makes is split evenly amongst its employees. Therefore, all employees are associates, no need for worker union (unless employers like to have suck ass benefits and low pay, no pension you get the idea), and all employees really do own the company. Maximum market ownage... means no windows on every computer, perhaps compatible programs but for one company to own everything means high prices that shouldn't be that high.

However, the governmnet will also have a corporation. It will not be bolstered by tax dollars, but it will employ the principles of the government, of good market strategies and it will provide non-profit prices for companies to compete with.

In order to maintain competition, the government corporation will hand out all possible ways to cheapen cost to make products. Profit corporations should also have more ways to cheapen costs to compete with the nonprofit prices of the government corporation. There is no excuse then for a profit corporation to ask the gov corporation to perform price control on itself, or anything else.


The nation will create a national surplus of products not required by the people, or not purchased every year. This can be used to trade for products needed by the people. It sounds fair, but take an economics class and tell me if that works right.


Everyone gets enough food, clothing and housing to live properly. So you say, that'll produce lazy people? I never said they got any luxuries. Do you live with just the bare necessities? THe fact that you have a computer to see this tells me otherwise. So you still have to work hard (break into song) for your money and get the cool materialistic stuff that a pig such as yourself wants.

All people will have free healthcare, free public education (no subsidies to private education), suffrage (right to vote) and other free normal stuff (like roads, stop signs, police, fire protection, military etc). Profits from "nonprofit" companies can be channeled into this, and i am sure those corporations would have accidental profits (i hope).

TAXES Yes there will be lots of taxes jsut like socialism.


Now as for politics, I was thinking that it be a three system check. The Elected Political Leader (whatever the title) along with his/her bad-ass cabinet VS the Supreme Court who upholds an objective view of things in accordance to the constitution and the laws it sets VS the Regulatory Board, no not some Robbespierre board of horrors, but instead one that is led by no representative only a pure referendum on all things and people met via cyberspace forums or some other easy access discussion area that will lead to votes and vetos.

Added 0ct 28/02

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