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32 Count   4 wall  no tags OR restarts           Start on RIGHT foot

Music  Good to go to Mexico   by Toby Keith  (same music as Mariachi Melody)

Choreographer   Darren Mitchell  Nov 2002   






&5,6  7&8

Side switches R & L & front switches R front and L front

and step R fwd, rock back onto L,  3/4 triple turning R,  R,L,R

1&2  3&4  5,6, 7&8

L Lock and R lock,  fwd rock L, back on R,  1/4 turn L side shuffle LRL

1&2, 3&4, 5,6, 7&8

sheet says Touch R at R side, cross R over L, touch L toe to the side, same with L, (like 2 side switches L&R, R&L)   but better off doing  sambas (2 of)rock fwd on R, back on L. 3/4 triple R,  RLR

1,2 3&4  5&6 7&8

Step L, R shuffle LRL, step R fwd and bump hips RLR step fwd L and bump hips LRL




1/4 turn to front side shuffle.