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32 Count   2 wall   2 tags  (after 3rd sequence on back wall and 6th sequence on front wall)

Start after 16 counts in HALF TIME    Start on RIGHT foot  Counts 1&2, 3&4,5&6,7&8  in 24 steps, last 8 are 1,2  3&4, 5,6,7,8



1 -  8

R side tog side,  L cross rock, recover with 1/4 turn L on L,   1/4 turn side and cross,  rock side L and cross L

 9 - 16

Repeat first 8

17 - 24

R fwd mambo step, L back mambo step,   R lock R,  fwd L pivot step onto L

25 - 32

Cross rock R, step back onto L, (1,2)  back R lock R (3&4)  L cross step, recover onto R (5,6) L big step diagonally L, drag R to L and touch  (7,8)