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32 counts,  Wt On L   Music stops *   WAIT for 4 counts   @ walls, 2 restarts at 16 on walls 4 and 7*

MUSIC “A broken WIng”   by Martina McBride   Choreographed by B jenkins Nov 2003




Walk R,L 1/2turn (AND)  sh LRL, AND 1/4turn back rock L fwd, AND weave for 4.

1,2,3&4 5,6&7&8&

Back R, sweep, back L sweep into R sailor 1/4 turn,  LRock & turn rocking chair &*

1,2&3&4 5,6&7&8&

Rock R, replace AND 1/2 turn onto R, 1/2 turn shuffle LRL,  Rock back R, replace AND  turns as in “That’s Nice” OR  L and skip L and 1/2 turn onto R  

1,2&3&4& 5,6,7&8&

Rock L fwd, replace  and 1/2 turn  1/2 turn back shuffle RLR AND 1/4turn onto L foot, sway R, L, 1/4 turn shuffle RLR AND change weight to start again on R