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48 count waltz  2 tags of -R lock R, L fwd, drag R to touch, back R lock R back L, drag R to touch    Start on R




 1 -  6

Step R fwd drag L (touch and Hold)  L side rock cross

  7 -12

R to R with 1/4 turn L drag L to R,,, 1/2 pivot on R fwd waltz L2,3

13 - 21

Fwd R drag L to touch,,  back on L, sweep R round (4,5,6) bring R into a sailor (7,8,9)

22 - 30

Rock back L come fwd onto R into a weave to L (L,R,L,R) step side L drag R to touch

31 - 39

Quarter shuffle R-L-R, waltz fwd L-R-L,  step back R, L heel at 45 (hold),

40 - 48

Step back L, R heel at 45 (hold), step back L, R foot sweep into 1/4 turn sailor