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Dolphins Cove Paint Emporium

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W/we do have a few rules that W/we ask that You abide by:

1. Please demega upon entering, and remain that way until asked to mega by a painter or listkeeper.

2. Please refrain from overuse of profanities.

3. Please show respect to the painters/listkeepers and anyone else who is at the shop.

4. Gesture playing is fine as long as the shop isn't full and they arent offensive to others.

Thank You for coming by and please bookmark U/us and come again. also please sign O/our guestbook before leaving and let U/us know how W/we are doing.

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SirExplorer and heart

Site Creators

a row of kisses for lots of luck on Y/your journeys.::smiles::

Click the rotating ball next to the page You want to visit. if You wish to stay in the shop as you browse other rooms right click the ball and click open link in new window.

O/our Awards and Web Rings O/our Links

Contest page Cove Award (apply now!!!)

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These are O/our neopets, they are so much fun lol. click one of the pets to adopt Your own today ::smiles::

sirexplorer got their NeoPet at
timidangel got their NeoPet at