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Our Personal Experiences

We began homeschooling our children in 1998. The initial reason for our "taking the plunge" was,regrettably, not as noble as spiritual conviction, but simply a means to end the turmoil public school had become to our family.
Over the years, our reasoning has changed drastically. What began as an attempt to correct academic and behavioral challenges has since become a journey of development for the entire family.

To be completely honest, I had planned to homeschool my son until high school (or at least until the lesson plans surpassed my intelligence comfort zone:0), while my daughter continued to attend public school. But somewhere along the way, I became aware of how much education "normal" living gives us. As a Christian family, our goals are more than academic, though that is definitely not a side-line to us. Traveling this road together has not only taught the children multiplication tables and phonics rules, but has opened our family up to the possibilities that we face all things as a team, lovingly and persistently, with Christ as the head of our household. I can't think of a better way to prepare my children for life than to walk this road with them, holding their hand when they need, and letting them go when they are ready. (By the way, my daughter has been homeschooled since 1999. It didn't take us long to realize we just weren't complete without her here with us!)

As a result of making the decision to leap headfirst into the unknown world of homeschooling, each of our lives has changed considerably. I break out in cold sweats at the very thought of what might have been. Not only have we learned more academically speaking, but we have grown spiritually and emotionally, together!