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Herbal Aim For Health

My story


Hello, I'm a Christian who believes that all things happen for a purpose. For 25 years I have had various disorders...Mitral Valve Prolapse Syndrome, Panic Disorder, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue, IBS ,Costocondritis and Migraines..My hope in writing to you is first of all to introduce you to Jesus Christ the creator and healer...He knows every pain, panic, and sorrow we experience..He is the healer of our soul..Our souls are in more desperate need of attention than our bodies..Our soul lives on in eternity and we need to be concerned with the health of our soul and spirit, because it also makes a difference in the way our bodies feel. If our souls are sick with anger, bitterness or someother emotional difficulty (sin) it effects our physical health..I hope you can find encourangement in the words of the Lord..He has healed my soul and is directing me in paths of righteousness.. He has been with me every step of the way..even when it doesn't seem like it...We believe it because He said it..He will never leave us nor forsake us..

On with my Journey

Just a little over a year ago I began taking AIM products. I found that I was feeling better in many ways. I take most of the products now.. I do not take the Ginkgo, because of my Panic Disorder. It didn't seem to do well with me. Herbal Fiberblend really cleaned alot of OLD fecal matter from my system that is toxic. This was my very best experience at first. Then I found that the Barley Green gave me more pep. The Cellsparc 360 is really good for me with having a heart valve problem. It is good for anyone. Getting more oxygen to your heart. Then I tried the Renewed Balance and I found it helped PMS and also using alittle extra at times helps migraines.. You can use it every 4 hours for Migraines. Frame Essentials has really helped my Fibromyalgia, but also the magnesium in the other products is so good for muscle pain. I did the Para 90 cleanse and will several times a year. Prepzymes are good for they help us with digesting all the junk we put in our tummys. Our bodies are made to eat more fruits and veggies, but most of us have strayed away from good eating habits. :-(( Really cooking our foods kills all the nutritional value. Think if you cut a carrot and put it in water it will grow, but if you cook it and put it in water it won't , because , yep all the enzymes have been killed in the cooking process. Foods are not grown the way they use to be on thee ole farm. Now chemical to kill ,chemicals to make em grow. The same with meat and dairy. It is loaded with hormones and growth supplements. They aren't the good ole grain grown , grass munching cows, pigs and chickens anymore. Aloe Gold is new to me so I really don't know what it's effects will be. I have very dry dry skin. Actually like an old woman because I have not taken care of my body. Immune disorders are so becoming common place and I have taken the Proancynols for a long time. Really from the beginning of my change for a healthier lifestyle. I thought my , how these nitro , smoking, and hormone patches work by just being absorbed into your skin I thought . Wow ! I'm toxic just from all the things I have had on me over the years. I would be very natural to paint and clean my hands with gasoline, or some chemical. Then just all the things I use around the home . Use to put bleach in my dish water. NO MORE !

You kinda get the picture :-(( So we really need something to fight those free radical critters trying to destroy the good cells. I use the garlic for it is an antibiotic, it helps with blood pressure ( which I have ) and many other wonderful helps. Composure helps me at night to get to sleep better with the Panic Disorder, but I still must take my medication for this. Don't ever quit medication without talking to your doctor. I just ordered as of May 1, 2000 RevitaFem Cycle 11 to try as I'm turning 43. Now at the age of 43 I'm beginning to tip the scale alittle so I'm trying Metabolite and walking too. :-))) :-)))


My husband had a wonderful recovery with the men's ReAssure product. I won't elaborate so as not to embarrass him without his

Your always welcome to email me if you have problems you want to talk about..



I'm not a saleperson. I don't like pushy sales people, but I decided after a year of feeling better on these products I could honestly sell them with peace of mind. Browse around if you wish, but don't feel bad if you don't buy. I would rather you stop by,look and leave than be pressured. I want you to buy because you believe it would be good for you. God Bless you ! Christy

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