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Welcome To My Garden
Botanical print of Peony

Hello, I'm Jessica Rose and this is my dogchild "Rosie", a Toy Fox Terrier.
  This web site is yet another way for me to enjoy my new found hobby, GARDENING. I don't think "hobby" is the right word, it's more like an all encompassing obsession now. My interest in gardening started a year ago when my mother, a former gardener now too busy, helped me plant bedding plants such as; alyssum, pansies, impatiens & primroses in the empty flower beds of mine & my hubby's new home. Since that time, my interest in gardening & flowers has grown & so have my gardens.
   I now enjoy reading all the information about gardening that I can get my hands...or mouse on. The internet has been an invaluable source for gardenrelated info. Many personal web pages have given me the know how to grow any flower that strikes my fancy. I have been very sucessful growing a number of different flowering plants here in Northern California, zone 8. Maybe it's the climate, or maybe it helps a little that I come from a long line of gardeners...great grandfather was famous for his cannas & tomatoes, grandmother was fond of bearded iris, my mother likes to grow pastel lavender petunias, roses & many other traditional southern favorites & Aunt B. offered me some Moon Flower seed because she enjoyed growing them in her garden so much this year.
  This year I have grown, along with the above mentioned bedding plants; Confederate Rose perennial Hibiscus, Calla Lilies, gladiolus,  passion flower vine, morning glories,  dahlias, a few herbs such as, basil, oregano, grapefruit mint, lemon balm, lavender, chinese chives & rose scented geranium, all in a large terra cotta pot (also a project done with my mom), Zinnias, Roses, Meyer Lemon Tree in a container, snapdragons,  sweet peas, named bearded iris,  almost 20 named daylilies (plants recieved this fall, so have to wait til next summer to see blooms), chocolate cosmos, crysanthemums, stock, lantana (Rosie dug up a couple of my lantana plants after I first planted them, but I forgive her), RhizomousBegonias, one cherry tomatoe plant (don't know were it came from, grew from a seed that I can only imagine a bird must have dropped), Carnations & California poppies.
  This fall I have planted over 50 mixed Oriental & Asiatic Lily bulbs, 40 mixed tulips (in California no less), 30 Angelique Tulips, 15 Salome' daffodils, Dutch Hyacinths, grape hyacinths, crocus, glory of the snow, freesia, ranunculus, have forced indoors "Red Lion" Amaryllis, "Rose Marie" & "Carnegie" Dutch Hyacinths in forcing vases & paper white narcissus, planted mostly pastel pink & lavender daylilies named "Catherine Woodbery"(orchid pink), "Prairie Blue Eyes"(lavender), "Fairy Tale Pink"(diamond dusted peach-pink), "Frosty Beauty"(rose orchid), "Lavender Dew"(lavender...duh), "Tender Love"(flesh pink), pixie daylies "Penny Earned"(1.4in. flowers of yellow), "Little Grapette"(purple), "Pixie Parasol"(peach-pink), "Fairy Frosting"(cream-pink), "StellaDe Oro"(gold), and "Little Celena"(pink rose), bearded iris "Beverly Sills", "Sweet Musette", and "Jesse's Song", a bonus from Schreiner's Iris Gardens. Can't wait to see how they all turn out.
  Recently, with instructions I got from the GardenWeb forums, I built "cheap grow lights" using a flourescent shop light & two flourescent bulbs & a timer purchased at Home Depot. In November, I am now growing snapdragons, sweet william, salpiglossis, 4 o'clocks, Moon Flower & delphiniums from seed inside in a closet.
  I'm just starting to build my site, but I plan to have photos of my garden as it grows, much information & many links. I hope that my gardening site will be as helpful to you as many were for me.

 Flower Fairies  from  illustrations in Flower Fairies books by Cicely Mary Barker.

  Below are some pictures taken of plants I have grown.
Passion Flower Vine
Rose looks more red in the garden
Confederate Rose Hibiscus
(actually is this color)
Peach Colored Dahlia
Morning Glories
Double Flowered Stock
Enchantress Rose Zinnia
Herbs Grown In Pot
Joseph's Coat Climbing Rose
(Rosie in back trying to get in picture)

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