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BAYTOWN GUY- Austin Guy - That update was possibly our best effort yet Baytown Guy. I'm not sure how I hadn't heard about Betty before that update, but congratulations. Well I have a small update that will hopefully take up a small amount of webspace and time from your schedule. I found out I am going to be back in Austin for the summer so my title will once again be legit. Of course, after I get done with this job, I will never be employed for legal services again since my grades this semester are going to be lackluster. Anyways, I guess I will move on to what I am apparently the most interested in, the girl front. Well to update you on the last girl that was on this website, I haven't talked to her since she stole my copy of Serendipity. I want to let all of you know that while some suicidal tendencies have been involved, I have been coping well with the loss of my most treasured possession. For those of you who went to see this movie with me, you know how much I am hurting right now. The movie will be taken by if I have to break and enter. Enough of that girl. There is a new girl, although she's not really a prospect at this point. She broke up with her boyfriend about 3 weeks ago and I have been hanging out with her and her roommate. We'll call the roommate "behemoth". I've been hanging out with this girl and behemoth and she seems like a really nice girl. I met her up here in Lubbock and there is a somewhat decent chance that I may stay up here a little longer than normal to hang out iwth her and behemoth. I will answer questions via email but I refuse to share information over this website on this girl. Anyways, school is almost out so if you aren't done with finals, good luck. And to Kenny, congratulations on graduating. I will be there to humiliate you as you walk across the stage. Jeff, if you read this, congratulations to you too. And for the rest of you that read this and are graduating, congrats. We'll talk to you in a week or so.
