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Where It's All Southern All The Time.

The Stars and Bars Flag shown above was the first battle flag of the Confederacy. Confusion was caused by the commanders not being able to distinguish their troops from those of the enemy because the "Stars and Bars" was so similar to the "Stars and Stripes" used by the Yankees. General Beaurgard was determined to solve this flag problem, he attempted to have the Confederate flag changed but Congressman William Porcher Miles suggested that the army adopt its own distinctive battle flag, and recommended the design he had presented to the Congress as the Confederate Flag on March 4, 1861. This flag was agreed upon but it was recommended that it would be more durable and lighter as well as less likely to be tore by bayonets or tree branches if made square. Other flags such as State regimental colors were used by the Confederacy on the battlefield, but the Battle Flag, although it was never officially recognized by the Confederate government, came to represent the Southern "cause" to most people. The new flag know as The Confederate Flag, Southern Cross, of Rebel Flag, etc. may be seen by placing the mouse pointer over the "Stars and Bars".


Now for a little bit of information about the South Carolina State Flag....


The South Carolina Sucession Flag is shown above. When South Carolina seceded, this flag flew over the customs house in Charleston, South Carolina and then in various cities around the state as a symbol of secession itself. This flag was NOT the national flag of an independent South Carolina. It predates the secession of all the states and of the Confederacy. As such it is an expression of public sentiment at the time. The crescent, a South Carolina symbol since revolutionary times, is upside down which is said to be a sign of distress. The star is said to symbolize Southern unity. To see the current South Carolina State Flag place the mouse pointer over the flag above.


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