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Hey Everybody!!
We are BaCK :) .... and its only 2 years since we first got the *idea* to make this..:)
Well this is the story..One day-(October 19, 2000)-Laura and myself were QUITE bored with ourselves. We were just sitting on the computer getting songs on Laura's *brand new* Napster, which of course I persuaded her to download, when I thought of a brilliant idea. 'LAURA! We should make a webpage!' So of course she thought it was a good idea because I mean what else can you do? So we go and make the address (isn't it cool?), password, login name, etc., and about everything we wanted was already taken so that was the stinky part! But it all worked out ok, of course, otherwise you would not be reading this right now..would you?
and again! 2 years later, we are in the same situation and decided to UPDATE! enjoy :)

This all of the couzins, in order, at Volstad's this summer!

LINKS to other family members' pages!
Gussy Volstad
Laura Oftedahl
Ashley Oftedahl
Emma Volstad
Josey Volstad
Volstad Family

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This many people have been here since October 19, 2000!

Created: October 19, 2000
Last Updated: February 9, 2002