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You have made it to the end of the rainbow, and found the Shrine of the Greatest Golden voice to ever bless the Country Scene!  Carlene Carter is the Greatest Rockin' Country Vixen who ever walked the Earth.  Her voice and talent is absolutely---magical.

Hunting for Carlene Carter...

But what has happened to this Great Star?  Some say she is living in Europe.  Others say she is performing gigs in Nashville or maybe California. Perhaps she is on safari in Africa.  Word from most is that they have not heard anything about her in years.

Carlene WAS Missing!!

Star Date: June 29, 2001. The Hunt for Carlene Carter is Over. Her location has been officially confirmed in the Southwestern U.S.

"Here I Am"

Since we Love Carlene so much, we are always on the Hunt for recent news and sightings of her. Click here to read about some of the reports that have flowed in since the Official Hunt located our great star.

Some Recent News

I got here late. What the heck is the Hunt for Calene Carter? (Click the Search link below for an explanation)!

The Search (now concluded)

Biography                     The Gallery                  Unique Facts



last updated December 26, 2004