Ribbon Campaign

In Memory Of:

Our prayers are still with you.

I support:

Help put an end to partial birth abotion.

Life ~ What a
Beautiful Choice!


Adopted: April 24,2000

Stop Abortion ~ Not A Beating Heart!

Awareness Ribbons

Cancer awareness Aids awareness

Breast cancer is not a death sentence.....especially if it is detected early. A mammogram is not painful....at worst only mildly uncomfortable. Don't let fear of hearing the words "breast cancer" keep you from getting an exam. Instead, let the fear of hearing "it's too late" get you there soon!

Prevent Child Abuse America

200 S. Michigan Avenue, 17th Floor, Chicago, IL 60604-2404

phone 312-663-3520; fax 312-939-8962

I wondered why somebody didn't do something.
Then I realized...I am somebody!"

Background made especially for me by Katrina


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