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Bengali Food on the Web

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All Posto Items Alu Posto | Bhindi Posto | Begun Posto | Jhinge Posto | Sajne Posto | Posto Bata
Alu Posto

Serving : 4 people

  • Potato - 200 gms
  • Green Chili - 4
  • Poppy seed (Posto) Ground to paste - 5 tbsp
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • Sugar - to taste


  • Heat the oil in a pan and fry the potatoes lightly. Add green chillies, posto paste and salt. Cook on a medium flame. Add water as required. Cover the pan till the potato is cooked.


Bhindi Posto

Serving : 4 people

  • Bhindi (Ladies finger)- 200 gms
  • Green Chili - 4
  • Poppy seed (Posto) Ground to paste - 5 tbsp
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Kalo Jeera - 1tsp


  • Wash and cut bhindi (about 3" size). Marinate with salt and sugar for 15 mins. Heat the oil in a pan and add Kalo Jeera. Add the bhindi and stir. Add green chillies, posto paste and salt. Cook on a medium flame. Add water as required. Cover the pan till the bhindi is cooked.


Begun Posto

Serving : 4 people

  • Begun (Eggplant)- 200 gms
  • Green Chili - 4
  • Poppy seed (Posto) Ground to paste - 5 tbsp
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Kalo Jeera - 1tsp


  • Wash and cut eggplant (about 1" size). Marinate with salt and sugar for 15 mins. Heat the oil in a pan and add Kalo Jeera. Add the eggplant and stir. Add green chillies, posto paste and salt. Cook on a medium flame. Add water as required. Cover the pan till eggplant is cooked.


Jhinge Posto

Serving : 4 people

  • Jhinge- 200 gms
  • Green Chili - 4
  • Poppy seed (Posto) Ground to paste - 5 tbsp
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Kalo Jeera - 1tsp


  • Wash and cut Jhinge (about 1/2 " size). Marinate with salt and sugar for 15 mins. Heat the oil in a pan and add Kalo Jeera. Add the Jhinge and stir. Add green chillies, posto paste and salt. Cook on a medium flame. Add water as required. Cover the pan till Jhinge is cooked.


Sajne Posto

Serving : 4 people

  • Sajne Data (Drumsticks)- 3
  • Green Chili - 3
  • Poppy seed (Posto) Ground to paste - 5 tbsp
  • Oil - 4 tbsp
  • Salt- to taste
  • Sugar - to taste
  • Kalo Jeera - 1tsp


  • Wash and cut drumsticks (about 1.5" size). Marinate with salt and sugar for 15 mins. Heat the oil in a pan and add Kalo Jeera. Add the drumstick and stir. Add green chillies, posto paste and salt. Cook on a medium flame. Add water as required. Cover the pan till drumstick is cooked.


Posto Bata

To be added soon.



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