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PKW'S Family

Hello everyone! My name is Charlotte (aka "Pkw"). I am very interested in family, genealogy and also love animals; so I thought I would make a page on these. This is my storybook page on my interests. Of course my first interest is my family (place pointer on the wolf to see pkw's den)

Click to see my family of BARRETTS . Or my HARKINS

I also have a connection to the TACKETT FAMILY.

I have some fun pages too - one is my WOLF LINKS. Watch out for the wolves and don't let them get you. Another page is my "BEEP!" ROADRUNNER PAGE - check out the cute roadrunners.

Of course all is not fun and games - work has to come in too - and I also want to share my business page with you. Please check it out -TriUnity (something everyone needs - right?)

Barrett Family GenealogyHarkins GenealogyTackett Association

My Roadrunner PageWolf PageLucky's Page

Links to Home business:


Links to Friends Pages:

Lew's Genealogical Links

MM's Genealogy

Barb and Michael's Site

Ses' Home

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