Cathy's Corner

The lights go down
they start to play
Fans are swaying,
every which way.
Jeff on his fiddle,
Mark on his drums;
Teddy and Randy-
so glad we have come!!

Cathy A. Fusco

copyright 2002

You know the words,
you stomp your feet,
and hope they have a meet and greet!
Gosh this concert's really neat!!
They never ever miss a beat-
you can always feel the heat, oh what a special treat!!

Your voice is like a gentle breeze,
soft as a spring day,
every time you sing,
all the girls start to sway.
Catch us we're falling,
a kiss will make our day!
It's hard to keep away,
and you know we want to stay
and listen to you play,
you really make our day!!

As I sit here tonight,
I realize why I'm here,
It's to see the band
I've admired for years.
Some of their songs move me to tears-
"angels among us" they'll always be with us-
in good times and bad,
happy and sad.
Their music is an inspiration
for all of us fans-
Loyal to you we will always be
for our "angels" up on that stage.

We've seen the time,
when they were young,
to where they are today,
Forever's as far as we'll go
to see the boys play,
there's no way
we'd ever miss them,
for we love to hug and kiss them!!!
And listen to them play.
Long after they're gone-
they'll always be,
in our hearts forever. Cathy Fusco 2002

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