Melanie's Musings

My Home's In Alabama
is what Randy,Teddy, Jeff and Mark
remind us of anytime they get a chance
to talk about home.

They want us to know that
it Feels So Right
to be playing that Mountain Music
40 Hours A Week.
The days do get long, and they get tired
but they know that they have to Roll On.
They will always have The Touch
when it comes to Just Us
the fans.

Being born under
that Southern Star
makes our boys extra special.
They are always proud
to collect extra money
just so they can Pass It On Down
to St. Jude's and other organizations.
Their American Pride is one reason
we love them so much.
We don't care
if we are in the Cheap Seats
as long as we are getting to hear
our favorite band singing
their Greatest Hits.

We all love and cherish moments
when are able to be
In Pictures with them.
When Alabama comes on the radio
it makes us all want to go
Dancin' On The Boulevard.
We want our boys to know
just For The Record
that the 20th Century was totally awesome
because of Randy,Teddy, Jeff, and Mark.
The group has always known
that the Closer You Get
to the fans
the happier we are.
Also we want the guys to know
When It All Goes South
the fans will still be here
wishing them a wonderful
Alabama Christmas.


Melanie Cain

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