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What shall you Pray for?

What shall you Pray for? What shall you Pray for? The greatest petition of your heart to God should be to plead for the Souls of your children. If there is anything of Value or of greatest benefit to mankind, or that would be your greatest heartbreak, it would be to lose the Souls of your own, those whom the Lord has entrusted to your care. These are your own, flesh of your flesh, bone of your bone. These are a part of you and you are in them. How would it be to save the whole world and lose your own? It would be a crisis of the greatest magnitude. What shall you Pray for? The wisdom and guidance of God to teach your children all that you know of God and His ways. Save your self first and then go immediately straight-forward to save your children. You cannot save them, but you can teach them how to save themselves. Teach them what God would have them know.

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