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Joe Tinoco
By: Kenita Vanderslice

Joe Tinoco

Joe Tinoco was a wonderful, colorful entertainer in Branson! The show was excellent and full of color. I interviewed Joe after a Sunday afternoon show.

CIO (Kenita): As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up and why?
Joe: As a child, I wanted to be a baseball player until about the time I got to junior high. Baseball is something that I could excel in. In junior high, I started getting into the entertaining business. Teachers and coaches would call my parents after school, wanting me to do two things at once - such as playing baseball, starring in plays, always at the same time.

CIO (Kenita): Who are your musical influences?
Joe: My musical influences are people that I have opened up for. I have enjoyed learning from the generation of yesteryear. It means learning from people such as Freddie Fender, Ferlin Husky, Ray Price, and Faron Young. After I get to know them, and perform with them, they can help me to learn how they have done things in the past. Then I can use pieces of them to be part of me.

CIO (Kenita): When you were on the Grand Ole Opry, what was that like?
Joe: Porter Wagner asked me to be on the Grand Ole Opry. That was an unreal opportunity! It does not happen often for an unsigned artist to appear on the Grand Ole Opry. I even received a standing ovation before Porter Wagner took the stage. It was a very magical night for me! Dreams can come true.

CIO (Kenita): What was it like working with Dolly Parton in Blue Valley Song Bird?
Joe: Dolly was a hoot!! She was oodles of fun! Doing Blue Valley Song Bird was a wonderful and exciting experience.

CIO (Kenita): Why did you choose to do part of your demo CD in Spanish?
Spanish is part of my heritage. I thought it would be something new and interesting to try. Singing in Spanish was also fun for me to try.

CIO (Kenita): If you could design your own clothes when you perform, what would it be?
Joe: My Wrangler jeans or leather pants. I do enjoy making a statement with a flash, so I would also include sequins, fringe, leather, or anything to get noticed or to be remembered. I also have a couple of Nudie jackets, like Porter Wagner wears.

CIO (Kenita): Do you write your own songs?
Joe: Yes I do. I really enjoy performing my own material. Some of my material has been included in our show, “Magnificent County”, in Branson at the White House theatre.

CIO (Kenita): What kinds of songs do you like to write?
Joe: I like to write sad songs. Also, I enjoy writing about positive things, and the good in the world. Songs that will try to make everyone’s life a little better or a little bit happier.

CIO (Kenita): What can you tell me about your song, "Angel"?
Joe: It is a love song. I usually just write what I am feeling. This song is about a “perfect love and what everyone hopes for.” A love that will last.

CIO (Kenita): How did you come up with the tune Giddy Up Pickup Truck?
Joe: It was one of those songs that just popped up. It was one of the first songs that I wrote. I believe that I was single, out looking for girls in a big truck with extra large tires, loud stereo and a works package on it cruising around when I came up with this song!

CIO (Kenita): Now, will you tell me about Don’t Blame it on Me?
Joe: I co-wrote this song. It is a strong country song with a traditional sound, a real country song. Also, I think, everyone has been cheated on at one time or another. This is my cheating song.

CIO (Kenita): What can you tell me about Lady Liberty?
Joe: I come from a strong, patriotic family. My father was awarded a Purple Heart for being in Vietnam. In Vietnam, my father also lost a nephew. In my family, we grew up believing in America and our responsibility as Americans towards her. I believe we can live here or we can live overseas, but as Americans "we need to take care of it"! America, our home. This song was written before September 11, 2001.

CIO (Kenita): What is your favorite color?
Joe: My favorite color is red.

CIO (Kenita): When is your birthday?
Joe: My birthday is October 2.

CIO (Kenita): What is your favorite food?
The foods that I enjoy the most are hamburgers and fries. But, no burgers for me, because I have been trying a program called Body for Life.

Joe was a very positive, polite person who will go far in the entertainment industry. I really enjoyed listening to his thoughts on his songs and his career. I wish him well in all that he does because he sings like an “Angel” to me.