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Interview #1: Mitchell Brown;a visitor of CW

Interview #2: MerMer; a visitor of CW

Interview #3: Mike; a visitor CW

Interview #4:Mark Crowe;Was locked up with Brock and West.

Interview #5:Josh Bates; a visitor of CW

Interview #6: Kayci Westbrookes

Mike Noles; Met Scudder, tells a little about then.

Interview . With Danny West, Tony West son.

Witness X interview.

If you have been to Corpsewood/Devil Worship Mountain,
and wouldn't mind me posting an interview up about the place,
please e-mail me.

1.) (R)What's your name and age?
(M)Mitchell Brown, 17

2.)(R)When is the last time you went out to CW/DWM?

(M)About a week ago, 5/25/02

3.)(R)How did you hear about the place,and what did you hear about it to make you want to go out there?

(M)My friends told me about it, it sounded spooky so I did some research on it, then we headed up there.

4.)(R)Have you ever felt eerie out there? If so, explain the feeling.

(M)Yes, things started being wierd when we got to the house. Once we all stepped in the house we all got a really wierd feeling, and I started having trouble breathing. Wierd feelings as we were leaving, felt like something pulling back. Allergies or spirits? who knows... Allergies my guess.

5.)(R)Do you think it's an evil place?

(M)Well, people worshiped Satan, so my guess is, yes.

6.)(R)Were you really hoping to see true evidence of this place being haunted,even if it scared the crap out of you?

(M)Of course

7.)(R)Were you dissapointed in not seeing hard core evidence? Like the ghost of the two men, or even the mastiffs,strange noises, etc.?

(M)Well, I know that most of the time you cant necessarily see the evidence, but it can be recorded by EVP and on photos, so after I get my pictures developed then I can answer that one.

8.)(R)Would you ever go out there alone?


9.)(R)Foremost: Do you truly believe that the CW manor is haunted?

(M)I usually dont believe things like this unless I have proof, but I do that for a reason: If I'm skeptical, then when I go to places like that, I wont think every little noise is a ghost.

(R)Thank you for your time,I aprreciate everything.

Interview 2
1.) (R)What can we call you by?

(MM)Mer Mer

2.)(R) When did you first visit CW?

(MM)not long after the murders happened before the house burnt down .

3.)(R) How many times have you visited the manor?

(MM) at least 6 times

4.)(R) Did you feel strange or eeirie while you were there?If so, explain.

(MM) well heck yes i did ,,,we all did was like ,,,man theses men died for a few coins ,,,no reason at all...they never hurt noone living the life style that made them happy ,,who is to say what happiness is u know?

5.)(R) Did you see any hard core evidence of ghost or anything supernatural?

(MM) no not realy but i have seen all of the things u have said was there and (the wellhouse i think it is) has a whole on one side and it is writing in red paint ,"Shout At The Devil" dont ever hit it with a rock when ur older sister is looking into it ,,,u will get ur ass chased and beat haha like i did one trip to DW .

6.)(R) Would you ever go out to the manor alone,or after nightfall?

(MM)HELL NAW!!! not by my self ,,but i have went many times after night fall with buddies .Halloween is the best time to go up ,,it is packed with people....lookin for the wierdness in life or death

7.)(R) How do you feel about the two men that use to live there?

(MM)well to each his own ,,who am i to judge ?there will be only one judge to judge and i am no where near being him...them men had no right to take another man's life ,,,regardless of what they did or what they had ,,it wasnt his ,so he should have worked to get it .

8.)(R) Do you think the manor is evil?

(MM)Yes,,,it has to be ,,,for the evil things that was going on and the evil things that happened to the men.but as i see it ,,it is my own opinion,,,they was worshipping something i dont want to know anything about ,they wanted to be with the devil ,,i guess they finally are!

9.) (R)Most importantly,do you believe the CorpseWood is haunted?

(MM)Yes i do ,,,until someone Holy releases their spirits unto the after world ,,it will always be.They have been trapped into this world by evilness and evilness will not let them go free !!!!

Interview 3 1.)(RR) What can we call you?

(Mike)Mike Gholston

2.)(RR) Whens the last time you went to the Manor?

(Mike)5/25/02 with some friends

3.)(RR) Did you believe in thier life-style, the homo-sexuality, and worshiping the devil.

(Mike)I've always been the type of person that says do whatever you think you gotta do. I may not believe it's right, and as long as it's not pushed on me I have no problem with it.

4.)(RR) Do you feel bad for them?

(Mike)I feel bad that two people were murdered in cold blood for next to nothing

5.) (RR)Do you feel strange when out at the manor. Like Chill bumps when its warm, or just strangly peacful?

(Mike)We went in the late Spring/early Summer, so it was awfully warm. It was actually warmer at the manor, not so much warmer but more humid.

6.)(RR) Have you ever been out there at night?

(Mike) First time we went up there was during the day and it started to rain unexpectedly (not a cloud in the sky beforehand......hmmm) We went back up later that night when it cleared up

7.)(RR) Would you go out there on Dec, 12? The day they were murdered.

(Mike) Thought about it, actually had planned to do so this past year but other things got in the way, Would have been nice to have been there on the 20th Anniversary

8.)(RR) Have you ever seen anything strange or unexplainable? If so,explain.

(Mike) I've seen many strange and unexplainable things in my life, and I think that's what intrigues me to study things of the paranormal. I know that there is something out there that I don't understand. As far as the Manor goes, I never saw anything out of the ordinary, but the feeling was just one of awkwardness and tension.

9.) Do you believe the Manor of CorpseWood is haunted?

Not quite sure yet, but I am determined to find out!! ;)

10.) Do you feel that the place is evil?

It's definately something, I'm not sure if evil is the correct word to use or if it's the only word that can be used to desribe it, tension, uneasiness, sorrow, are a few others that I would choose.

Interview 4: Mark Crowe
1.) When was you locked up with Brock and West?

(Mark)1982-83.I've been locked up most of my life. I was in the cell right beside Kenneth Brock.

2.)What was Brock like?

(Mark) He got wound up in something he couldn't control.He cut hiself open with a razor.He cut his wrist and his stomache.His guts was hanging out.They rushed him to the hospital.When he came back,he cut the stitches back out!

3.) Did they take him back to the hospital?

(Mark) I believe I had went on to bed that night. They had to get his mom in there to try and calm him down.I think he just realized what he had done,and was trying to get a crazy sentence.

4.) What was Tony like?

(Mark) I was in jail with alot of Chattoogas famous murderers. He was pretty quite. Probably thinking about what he did and the time he was going to do.

5.) Have you ever been up to Corpsewood?


6.)Did you ever meet Scudder or Odem?

(Mark) Never met them.

7.)What was your opinion of Scudder and Odem?

(Mark) Like I said I never met them.We'd go up there and see 'em out in the yard. They'd look and with the occasional wave,mostly to see who was passing by. Hell we was just kids then.

8.) Have you been up there since it happened?

(Mark)Yeah. The place is crumbling

9.)Have you ever felt strange up there,in any way?

(Mark) Nah,drunk most the time.

10.) What do you think of the life-style Scudder and Odem lived?

(Mark)I never met 'em. I heard they were homosexuals,so I never wanted to hang out. I didn't want any of them drugs and them try to try something.

11.)This is something I ask everyone I interview, do you believe the place is haunted?

(Mark)They always say if someon is aggrevatedly killed, their presence will walk the earth untill they are revenged.I don't know if it's haunted,but I do know enough not to fuck with it. I try to do no wrong,so no wrong is done to me. Josh Bates Interview

1.)(R) When is the last time you were out at Corpsewood?

(Josh) Halloween, 2001.

2.)(R)Why did you go out there?

(Josh) Cause it was halloween.

3.)(R)Have you ever stayed overnight?

(Josh)No, to scared to. 4.) (R)Did you feel wierd or anything?

(Josh) Immediatly upon arrival! 5.) (R)Why? (Josh)Because of the aurora. 6.) (R)Have you ever seen anything strange out there?

(Josh) Yep,thats why I haven't been back. 7.) (R)What did you see?

(Josh)We was getting ready to leave,but I seen something in the woods off the trail.I don't know if it was a dog or a cat, but it's eyes was glowing red. Needless to say I shagged tail to the car,and haven't been back since.

8.) (R)What do you think about what happened out there?

(Josh)I think it was completely bogus.I think if they hadn't been on that wine and them drugs,they wouldn't have went through with it.

9.) (R)Do you believe the place is haunted?

I know it is.

10.) (R)Do you think it's evil?

(Josh) Yeah, it's eeirie just thinking about it.

Kayi Westbrookes

1.) (R)What's your name?

Kayci Westbrooks

2.) (R)When did you first here of DW?

(Kayci) about 8 yrs ago

3.) (R)When is the first time you ever went out there?

(Kayci) about 2 yrs ago

4.) (R)Did you have some friends with you, or was you by yourself?

(Kayci) yea there was about 10 of us that went

5.) (R)What did you think about the manor?

(Kayci) i loved it i thought that it was still goregous even tho its barley standing

6.) (R)Did you have any strange feelings? If so explain them.

(Kayci) hell yea i did lol, when we first started plotting to go up there we all got this strage feeling and on our way up the Mt. it got worse and everyone got chill bumps and one of my cousins that was with us jus busted out cryin for no reason it was weird. then when we got to the Manor it got colder and when we left and was back at the car it was warmer it was really stange like someone was watching over us. Strange stuff happened too, one of my guy friends was goofin off and wanted to do a sayonce and we all joined hands and it was dead quiet no trees blowing nothing till he fisished talkin and a huge burst of wind hit and circled around us and the Manor and we heard a dog growl and we looked towards the top of the ridge and saw red glowing eyes..needless to say we hightailed it back to the car and my Cousins car ran hot all the way off the Mt and when we got off the Mt it was fine and on one of my other friends car there was a huge handprint on the hood

7.) (R)What's your opinion on the murders?

(Kayci) i think its sick how someone could do that my pawpaw helped them build the road and their driveway to the Manor and my pawpaw is like the biggest racesits person there is specially with gays and he had no problem with them they kept everything seceret but still its sick

8.) (R)Would you ever spend the night out there?

(Kayci) i want to but i dont think id go throught with it after all the stories from my friends thats done it too freaky

9.) (R)Do you believe CW is really haunted?

(Kayci) yea i do beleive its haunted.. ive seen belezububbs red glowing eyes in the woods on top of the ridge and just the feeling thats there when u go to the Manor

10.) (R) Do you believe it's an evil place?

(Kayci) i dont beleive its Evil like i said before not may ppl knew that they were Devil Worshipers till they got killed

(R) Well I am glad there are still a few people that believe this place is not "evil".

Click here to access the Mike Noles : interview.