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17th December 2006
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Germans and Penguins.

Hayd:  Busy week this week between university, school,

work and essays but we have reached that point where

we can stop, allow our collective buttocks to unclench

 and breath a sigh of relief for it is the end of term.

I had the dubious fortune of going to see 'Holiday'

earlier this week. Thankfully, while it wasn't totally

 original, there were enough moments to make it

worthwhile (Jude Law for the girls and Kate Winslet for

 the boys as I findCameron Diaz to be a skilfully inept

 stick). Lads do your partnership duties and take your

 girlfriend to see it.

     The rest of the week has been spent muddling

through in preparation for Christmas and the obvious

 work parties  which I have deftly avoided like the

plague. However both myself and Dave did spend Thursday

 evening dressed as cowboys drinking at a party which

was good fun. This will be repeated by myself and Ann

this week at Helen's birthdayparty which contains a

beach theme.


See you on the flip side.





©Universally Challenged, Designs, Characters, Ideas and Other Content is owned and copyrighted by Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball.(2005-2006)

Cartoons By Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball, Scripts By Dave Ball, Haydn Cartwright

Website design by Mike Holmes ©2005. Questions, queries and suggestions to Many thanks for that dude.

Universally Challenged logo designed by Sarah Maguire. Thanks 'sis :)