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29th May 2006
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Hayd:  As of this moment I have finished my 2nd year of university and sit nursing

the mother of all hangovers thanks to an awesome night out previously. I'm writing

this on the Friday as I'm spending this weekend in Yorkshire with Ann's family, I'm

looking forward to it and I'll be able to kick back and relax without anything hanging

over my head.

      By the time this is posted I should have seen X-men: The Last Stand, If I get

time I'll edit this rant and discuss my thoughts on it.

        It's an interesting sensation to know I have nothing hanging over my head and

I'm free to play games and draw without negative consequences. Me and Dave have

some awesome scripts lined up so I'm gonna finally get to practise properly on my

art tablet and see what happens.

        Oh we're still looking for a guest comic for the weekend of the 10th-11th of

June any takers?

           See you on the flip side.




©Universally Challenged, Designs, Characters, Ideas and Other Content is owned and copyrighted by Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball.(2005-2006)

Cartoons By Haydn Cartwright and Dave Ball, Scripts By Dave Ball, Haydn Cartwright

Website design by Mike Holmes ©2005. Questions, queries and suggestions to Many thanks for that dude.

Universally Challenged logo designed by Sarah Maguire. Thanks 'sis :)