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August 21, 2005

So yeah. It's been a crazy week guys. For a while I had this bad you get right before you diarrhea after eating bad mexican food (hell, if it's mexican, how good can it be? fucking wet backs)...that Adam might have been cheating on me. But like, I wasn't sure, cause who would he cheat on me with? I know he hates COmmunism w00t, but that may very well be a cover-up so I wouldn't get suspicious. Same goes with Nazism FLARP, but even if Adam did have a crush on him, I'm sure N.F. would throw him in a gas chamber...or at least anal ram him to death. It turns out that the bad feeling in my stomach actually WAS bad mexican. Dammit I hate those wet backs...even if they did make me work in CHIAPAS, Adam believes. Anyway, the rest of my week I spent a lot of time's my new's so fun, and the time just flies right by when I do it. Like, I knitted this pair of underpants...turns out they weren't very comfortable, so I just wiped my ass with it and threw it awayyyyyyyyy. Jeff's comic sucks now. It used to be really good, then it got lame, and I thought he might come back with all ofthose vegan fuck Vegan Moo...but no, he didn't. i hope he's having fun not being funny. Anyhoo (hey I sound Canadian) I must be off...i feel a poop coming on. I love you guys weeeeeeee!

August 12, 2005

I got a very upsetting e-Mail from a young gentleman today. It said that I don't exist, and he just "wow"ed a lot at me. This is very depressing and is not true. The more that people believe in me, the more I exist. So fuck that kid.

August 10, 2005

Hey guys, Anarchy Rar here. So I decided to start up this web log (or as you teenyboppers like to call it: a "blog") in order to just get everything off my chest. This blog is an outlet for all of the bad things Adam makes me do to come out, possibly in a positive way. I just want everyone reading this to see what being an Anarchist is all about. If you are a sad, lonely, pathetic, scrawny, ugly, ferret-fucking 13 year-old who has nothing better to do, then Anarchy may be the thing for you. If you get me in your head you will have an excuse to be the biggest asshole ever to everyone for no reason (it's an even bigger reason than straight-edge!)...just say "ANARCHY RAR!", and those words by themselves will summon me from deep down in your brain to come out of you and fuck things up. Well, I like to make my hosts think I will fuck things up, but really I don't do shit. I just need to get out of the cobweb ridden skulls of worthless youth. So for the next however long, I will posting here, so keep in touch everyone!