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F) Ex20
A) Rm30
S) In40
E) In40
R) Ex20
I) Ex20
P) Gd10

Health: 130 Karma: 50
Resources: Pr Pop: 0

Known Powers:
Mutant Physiology: After being exposed to the same mutagen that would eventually change the Turtles, Leatherhead became a massive humanoid crocodile. His very body gives him the following abilities:
-Skin Armor: Rm protection vs. Physical
-Regeneration: Pr
-Teeth: In Edge
-Claws: Rm Edge
-Tail: In Blunt attack
-Enhanced Senses: Rm Sight, Smelling, Hearing
-Water Freedom: Doesn't suffer any penalties during underwater battles
-Berserker: Ignore stuns and Un resistance to mind control. A Yellow Psyche FEAT. must be made to come out of it.


Talents: Engineering, Electronics

Contacts: Utroms, Ninja Turtles