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Welcome to the New Age

Let's have a little pretend time. Imagine that you are in your teenage years and one school session left from graduation and heading off to college. You've got a rather well-paying job for a person of your age, and a family who loves and cares deeply for you. More importantly, to you, you've got a romantic thing for your co-worker who also happens to be involved with your elder adopted brother.

Speaking of which, it's about time you headed home. Your brother has arrived to bring you the news of your departure, and you set off on your way. The sight of he and your current crush together tears your heart in two and you begin to ponder how much better everyone around you would be provided you just disappeared.

It's around this time your brother reappears, draping an umbrella over your head to shield you from the recently falling raindrops. Of course, all your ponderings were spoken aloud to yourself, and he takes it upon himself to comfort you and let you know that you aren't worthless. His words cheer you and, with a smile, you leave his side and continue on your way across the street home.

In all that had happened, you've forgotten to look both ways before you crossed and find yourself right in the path of an eighteen-wheeled truck. Your mind tells you to move, but your legs seem frozen to the ground, and the road whines as the driver tries his hardest to stop in time.

The next thing you know, you're sprawled out on the ground, staring up at the sky. You sit up in a hurry, screaming your brother's name, and discover you're in the middle of a rather large, peculiar city, quite the opposite from your suburban hometown. Before you know it, you've been pushed around from person to person, all either praising or complaining of a "Black Thunder". Puzzled, you continue to dig yourself deeper and deeper.

The year is 2351, and the solar system has been torn in two by a war between the dictating government, the Black Thunder you've heard so much of, and the rebels opposed to it, a Regnum Noctis, loyal to the night. As far as the government and law goes, Black Thunder is the side to side with, but you've already met such kind people from the opposing, one of which was unselfish enough to inform you of all this and even take you in under his wing. So, and I ask you seriously now: Which side would you stay with?

Jen Kvalko had to make the very same decision. And she took the road less traveled by.

[Enter: Mastermind]

Coming Soon

Not for the close-minded or easily influenced.