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About the layout

Oh my, I am so in love with this layout right now.  I think it is my best yet.  I'm turning into a pink freak, but don't you think this layout with pink color is adorable?  The top sentence was a quote translated into English, in Chinese it is like: 我们都是一个翅膀的天使,只有互相拥抱才能飞翔.  So there you go, if you understand Chinese, that is.

This layout features Full Moon, a wonderful wonderful graphic novel :)  The picture is from Aethereality, features the beautiful girl and the angel.  I haven't really read the manga, but I sort of know what's going on.  :)

I'm still excited.  I almost used this as my main layout, but then realized that I just changed layout...*cry*  Maybe I'll use it for Xanga.  ^^  Use this well!


  1. Unzip the file with Winzip or Winrar (not sure if Winrar works).
  2. Edit this page with your information or code.  You should know a fair amount of HTML in order to do this.  If you have any trouble with this, I suggest you go to a forum like DDG Forum or Aethereality Forum where they can help you.  I don't have one yet since I won't have the time to answer everything.
  3. Upload everything onto your server, it could be free or hosted (including domain).
  4. Access your page with the accurate url, and you are done :)

term of use

  1. Do not direct link the images.
  2. Do not alter the image of a design.
  3. Do not redistribute this design without my permission.
  4. Do not take my graphics and claim them as your own.
  5. For this design, you may not change any CSS.


  4. Anyone know where the text brush came from?  I think it's from Magic Box.