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People & Places
My Career
What I Want

My Homepage

Welcome to my first homepage. Here you can learn all about me.

Learn about my career, people in my life, things I enjoy doing, and how best to contact me.

My Career

For the past six years I have been a professional zoo keeper. Prior to that I had extensive training as a preschool assistant. I hope to eventually transisiton into a web developer. The only monkeys I want to work with are web monkeys.

People and Places


There are so many people in my life that I'd like to thank. My friends and family have contributed in so many ways and are largely responsible for my current state. I'd like to offer special thanks to all the folks at Pacific Gas and Electric.


In addition to the Bay Area, I enjoy spending time in the Artic Circle and the Tundra.

Note: no small animals were harmed in the creation of this web site
