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Zorro & Ester 86


682 - Just what you were looking forward to. Another black and white comic. Especially Yoshi. You jerk-face. Take that.

Good stories? Can't think of any. My mother's computer, that I use to update this and ihate... crashed. I think I'm allergic to computers or something. Luckily it was a bit easier to bring back up to date, since it had nothing of importance on it, except my Yatta video. Sigh.

Tonite's the MTv movie awards. I only really want to see Jack Black. Somehow, anything he says is automatically hilarious. Even to me. I don't understand it. At all. Since most of the time all he says is the F*** word. You know the one, that's why I'm not gonna repeat it here. Let's keep this g rated.

Anything else cool? I, along with my compatriotes at Ihate...{ again I mention the site. Seems I really like it, or am proud of it or something. Seems that I really wish for you to GO THERE NOW!} put up a butt load of reviews. Especially Evil X, who racked up on MegaMan reviews. (I'm not gonna mention he cheated. Nope. Not gonna say he used the same review and changed a few words for each. Crap.)

I don't really have much else to mention. See ya later.