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Zorro & Ester 82


5292 - If you don't get this, read the first 2 before this, then wait for the last one to come!

Good, now that we have that explained, to tell about my day... It was my sister's BDay, Yay, and we went to whirlyball. What is Whirlyball you ask? It is a cross between bumper cars, lacross and basketball. That I guess is the only way to explain it.

Then we went to Fudruckers. Is it me, or has that restaurant gone down since the olden days? Back when I was a little kid, that place was the Bomb dot Com! But now it sucks. How sad. 'Tis life.

In another note, remember that next week is officially 80's Hair-Metal week. So get your old Whitesnake and Poison, and perhaps Twisted Sister records out, and grow that hair LONG and CURLY, if only for me.

I gotta go play Resident Evil again, so I'm out.