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Zorro & Ester 70


4282 - Hmm, what new to talk about. Yeah I promise that by next wednesday, there will be newly drawn pictures and overall better art. Finals sux. Luckily for me though, they end soon.

On another note, I got to see a good friend of mine who I hadn't seen in like, forever. Actually just christmas time. Turns out he's a surfer-dood now. Figures. Freak. Hahaha, nevermind FreeOhio. Take care dood, and write some more reviews!!! Heh.

Other news, my hair has grown too long. (I haven't cut it since early february) so tomorrow I am gonna get it cut. Finally everyone who knows me is saying, cause it is the ugliest fro anyone has ever seen. Yeah I know too.

Again, go check out I Hate this Game, it has 2 new reviews, adding to a total of (hmm... basic math skillz at work here...) 6!

Planning on updating my links page to include all those comics I read, so you can read better ones than this garbage.

Head over to RPGamer now and watch the Kingdom Hearts intro movie. Squaresoft Characters and Disney characters in an action-rpg! What could be better? A j-pop soundtrack as well, that's what! And you can quote me on that. Wait, Sundu already has. Crap!

Yes I am going somewhere with the comic, yeah I know Ester is basically yelling at Zorro in every comic and he has no idea what is going on, but whatever, wednesday's will be different and continue the great plot. I use the term 'great' relatively.

I don't think the term I wanted to use was relatively.

Man I wish I could figure out what word I wanted to use. Oh poop.

Man, I have said 'Man' and words that describe fesces a lot in this rant.

Also, I don't think I have ranted really. I haven't ranted in quite a while actually.

But at least this was longer than normal.

Even though all I did was make each sentence a paragraph.

Time for some Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo. Bye-a!