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Zorro & Ester 63


4112 - Well lots of good news today. Lots of bad news too, but only for me. Let's start with the good, shall we?

One: I thought of a good amount of comics (12 actually) that all are funny and continue one story. If you count them up, it means that the story ends with a big extra special # 75! Yay! I worked really hard on these and they should be good. Although you will not get to see all of them until May sometime when the 75th comes. I'll still update thrice a week. Sorry, cause of exams coming up and all.

Two: I finished the IHateThisGame website, at go there now, it is cool. Actually wait til I finish this rant, then go there. I also have some articles I thought of to write for it again.

Three: I found a website that will make tshirts for me. They only cost 15 dollars for you guys to buy one! Delivered to your door! Sweet deal! And I get 1 dollar for every shirt sold! Score!

Bad News: I've got two tests tomorrow, so I got to go study now.

I hope everyone wins against Zorro, he's had a lot of practice, but he can still be beaten if you focus. Remember, first one to blink loses.