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Zorro & Ester 60


452 - I must say, I really do like this comic. I know it is offensive, but take it in jest. (I sure hope God has a sense of humor, after all I have done...) But enough about me. I predict that the next comic will be good too, assuming I get it done in time.

What I mean by that is that this weekend I will be out in the woods, without any sort of technology whatsoever so Zorro & Ester may be a little late. I'll try my best though. No promised though.

Yeah, so people are wondering, well actually I dont think anyone wonders, but whatever, how I do my comic. Most of the time I will draw the comic by hand (except lately when I have been slacking off) and then scan it in and color it on the computer. I also write the "script" and I use that term lightly, before hand. The problem is I forget to write down the "script" and usually just write down the basic joke. Which doesn't help when I go back to my notes, scattered all around the place and try to find one to do, while I am pressed for time and want to get the comic out. Then I go back and try to rewrite the plot, and usually I am really tired at this point, which leads to a badly written joke. And sometimes no joke. But lately I've been trying to write downt the entire script. That is probably why I like this one, cause I did. Although I bet no one noticed. Ah oh well.

Did you know what you can do with a biology degree? Become an ASSISTANT forest ranger, or a Mushroom worker. It's true. You can also be sheperd. It's the truth.

Enough random facts. Bye. See ya sunday (if I am still alive.)

I hear people can read this. Strange, it appears completely white on my screen.