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Zorro & Ester 57


3282 - Hope you liked this one. Yeah I know it is a ripoff of a Cartoon Network commercial, I will admit it. But at least I admit it. This comic came up early cause I'm going home in a few minutes, so I figured I would get it over with.

In other news, I hope everyone saw the new pictures. I am still waiting for fan comics, thought I would remind you, and keep telling people about this place.

Yesterday I worked on my OTHER website, the videogame reviewing site, and got it started. I don't recommend going there yet cause it isn't good, but if you want to, here:

Nothing much to talk about, have fun searching that site, there is one article and two reviews.

I've also again started working on GTA3 again. I'll probably give up some point soon, but it is such a fun game.

See you after Easter.

Nothing funny here. Sorry.